
Regular maintenance is a must. Why wouldn’t you want to maximise value for money?

There are multiple benefits to routine servicing

Heartbeat monitor line. Illustration.

Prolongs the lifespan of equipment

Dashboard meter with the dial pointing at 90 on a scale of 0 to 100. Illustration.

Optimises system performance

Water test report with each result labelled as a ‘pass’. Illustration.

Maintains a high water quality standard

Prioritising maintenance can save you both time and money.

Hands holding various cylindrical internal parts of a pressure vessel.

Best practice

As with all things water filtration, every system will have unique maintenance needs depending on the system components, water quality and usage demands. However, as an industry standard, many manufacturers recommend that equipment is serviced annually. This is routinely the case for common filtration components such as UV (ultra-violet) disinfection units. Other common fixtures such as sediment filters often require more frequent maintenance, such as 6-monthly check-ins.

Services can include a range of maintenance processes from deep cleaning equipment to replacing depleted consumables or adjusting automated system settings. Not to worry though, for our newly designed systems, we always specify the projected maintenance needs and costs in our estimates. That way, you know exactly what to expect. For new customers with existing systems in need of some upkeep, we can provide service estimates for everything you’ll need.

Hand using blue cloth to clean a sediment filter housing.
Gloved hands cleaning a UV quartz sleeve.

A Glenburn service

A person using a sediment filter spanner to change out the old sediment filter cartridge for a new one. Illustration.
Thumbs up in a circular icon next to a clock. Illustration.

Quick and efficient

When it comes to servicing, we know what we’re doing. We’re talking minimal downtime, timely problem solving (in the event that we find something unexpected) and an optimally operating filtration system once we’re finished. Plus, we can answer any of your questions and concerns whilst we’re on site.

Five drag and drop text boxes each with a ‘+’ icon at the top right. Illustration.

Tailored maintenance

Is a clear plan of action ever a bad idea? We create maintenance programs that are tailored to your system whilst fitting into your schedule. We make sure that your system gets what it needs, when it needs it. Alternatively, if you want a tutorial for handling the maintenance tasks on your own, we’ll get it set up.

An orange-stained sediment filter cartridge sitting in a white sediment filter housing bowl.
Email envelope icon with a circular notification alert reading ‘1’. Illustration.

Service reminders

Where maintenance is concerned, consistency is key. Our service reminders help to keep routine maintenance on track while giving you one less thing to worry about when life gets busy.

Hand adjusting the internal electrical wires on the circuit board inside a control valve.
Water running from a brass outdoor tap into a white water sampling bottle.
Two stacked bags of pH media, a funnel and a measuring jug.
Gloved hands cleaning a UV quartz sleeve.